LostIRC - a simple IRC client
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About LostIRC

Many people I have talked to, has wondered - why write another IRC application when there are already so many good ones? And they are absolutely right; From a sensible perspective, it's silly to compete with other IRC clients and reinvent the wheel, when you could be contributing to them instead.

LostIRC was in its early days, written as an educational project to create and design a medium-sized C++ application. Now, when that goal has been reached, it's just plain hobby and fun to maintain and enhance the application further.
Initially developped by Morten Brix Pedersen <morten at mbrix dot dk>

Main features

Currently, LostIRC runs on open source operating systems such as Linux and *BSD, but the code is written with portability in mind, so porting to other operating systems is still an open option for anyone who wants to do it.
You can use LostIRC very intuitively. But there are some feature to explain a little bit more.


In "View -> Server List" (or per Strg + S) you can add servers you want to connect to automatically.

If you want to auto-login into irc.freenode.net / #lostirc for example:

Click on "Add": If you activate "Connect automatically" LostIRC will connect to this server at the start of the program.

If you want to join a channel add the following text into the box below "Commands to perform when connected":

/join #lostirc

You can add further IRC commands (one command per line) if you like. So if you want to identify on freenode:

/msg nickserv identify PASSWORT

If you're finished hit "OK" and with a click on "Connect" you can connect to the server. The list of servers show all server entries you have given so far.

Note: you could use the following command in a console to avoid auto-connection on start:

lostirc --noauto

Own color definition

LostIRC only supports to color themes at this time. "Black on white" and "White on Black". You can switch them in "View -> Settings -> Colours". Changes will only apply to new tabs.

To create own color definitions choose "Black on white" and close LostIRC. It's important that you close it otherwise the program will overwrite your changes at exit.

Now go to the hidden folder .lostirc in your home directory and open the file colors2.conf. You see 21 color definitions in hex format (like on HTML pages).

Important: Only change the color codes and add nothing else. It's forbidden to add spaces at the end of a line or other characters. It's not allowed to add more lines - even empty ones. Otherwise your changes will be overwritten!

Color CodeExplanation
bgcolor = #FFFFFFwindow background
color0 = #000000text
color1 = #FFFFFFtext background
color10 = #00CCCC
color11 = #33DDEEIRC server names and ports
color12 = #0000FF
color13 = #EE22EE
color14 = #777777
color15 = #999999
color16 = #BEBEBEconnecting, leaving, statistics
color17 = #000000
color18 = #FFFFFF
color19 = #000000
color2 = #0000CCbrackets around other user names
color3 = #00CC00IP adresses
color4 = #DD0000
color5 = #AA0000
color6 = #BB00BB
color7 = #FFAA00 server messages and brackets around own name
color8 = #EEDD22 color of nicknames with ping
color9 = #33DE55message when leaving channel

Other settings

You can change some settings in "View -> Settings -> Preferences":


If you have any problems with LostIRC, then please contact me via e-mail regarding the problem, all feedback (even critism to some degree) is appreciated.

If you are sure that a bug exists, then please use the Sourceforge tracking system to report it.

Finally, there's also an IRC channel for LostIRC on irc.freenode.net with the surprising name, #lostirc.